BLOB-20 Spec draft

This document specifies the Blob-20 standard for representing “blobbed tokens” on the Ethereum blockchain. Blobbed tokens are blobscriptions-based tokens that are pretty similar to the regular Ethereum’s ERC-20 tokens.

  • They are valid Ethscriptions
  • They are valid Blobscriptions (ESIP-8, untagged CBOR)
  • They are NOT like other BRC20-style tokens found in Ethscriptions and Ordinals
  • They are inside the Blobscriptions content field
  • BLOB-20 tokens must have contentType application/json (see more below)
  • Ticker names are alphanumeric first-come-first-served and unique (anti-scam prevention)

Blob-20 tokens are Blobscriptions. Blobscriptions are Ethscriptions. Ethscriptions are on-chain assets on Ethereum L1.

First 3 blob20 tokens

  • $BLOBBED - 6.9 million supply, 50 decimals, 10000 per mint transaction
  • $BLOB - 69 million supply, 18 decimals, 1000 per mint transaction
  • $WGW - 69000 supply, 50 decimals, 100 per mint transaction

all minted out


Blobscriptions are a way to represent data on the Ethereum blockchain, using the new “Type 3” transaction that came with EIP-4844. This type of transaction is known as “blob transaction”.

Blobscriptions allow for bigger data size for the Ethscriptions ecosystem. The regular Ethscriptions are inside the Calldata of a transaction or inside the events emitted/created from smart contracts. Blobscriptions are inside the “blobspace”. This space was specifically designed to help Rollups and Layer-2s to make their transactions more cheap and efficient.

We (the Ethscriptions creator Tom and WGW, and the Ethscriptions community as a whole) have decided to use this space to increase the maxium size of each Ethscritpion can be to 768kb instead of just 96-128kb which is the limit of “regular Ethscriptions” created through calldata.

The ESIP-8 that we created is the standard for the Blobscriptions. It is a simple - you “blob-scribe” an untagged CBOR using a blob transaction. The untagged CBOR must hold an object with 2 fields - content and contentType. The content field is the actual data (text, image, json) that you want, where in case of BLOB-20 we put JSON object with protocol: 'blob20' and operation definition. The contentType field, in the general blobscriptions case, is useful for the client (or APIs) to know how to parse and/or show the content field; in the blob20 case it’s application/json or text/plain (but this should be removed in future, it’s currently there for backwards-compatible reasons).


Blob-20 is a standard for representing “blobbed tokens”. They are objects inside the content field of a valid Blobscriptions. The contentType field of Blobscription must be application/json. They are similar to BRC20-style tokens found in Ethscriptions and Ordinals, but they are not the same. Not at all.

Currently, Blobscriptions/BLOB-20s with contentType: 'text/plain' are also allowed and indexed, but this support will be removed in the future. Believe, text/plain is a nightmare. The web is what it is because it follow strict standards and protocols and content types. Text is text. Json is json.

The regular BRC20-style tokens has many flaws. They are not efficient, they are not cheap, and they hard to index and search. The whole thing is mostly unusable, not scalable, and require some sort of “splitting”. Other BRC20-style token standards are usually in “text/plain” form, which is a nightmare for scaling and developers, especially when people start inscribing other than JSON as plain text (like names, domains, digits, whatever; there’s NO WAY to differentiate what is what). The whole thing is a mess, not to mention many of them are not even “parsable” JSON, which renders it totally unusable and with no way to do anything with that shit.

BLOB-20 was specifically designed to be different.

Because we are in Ethereum it is simple to understand. Ethereum is an account/balance-based system, not like Bitcoin which is a UTXO-based system. Same with BLOB-20 tokens - they are account-based system. All minted token amounts are added up (stacked) to form a “balance” for a given minter address. When a “transfer” operation is created (and detected by the indexers) it is just a matter of subtraction from the sender and addition to the receiver. This allows for far simpler design and mental model.

The BLOB-20 tokens DO NOT need “splitting”.

If you mint 1000 in one blobscription, you have 1000 tokens, not a single insciption with some imaginary “1000” inside it. You can transfer & sell ANY amount with ANY decimals to ANYONE, at ANY time.

For example, if you blob-scribe (mint) a $BLOB (the second deployed token) with amount: 1000, then you have 1000 TOKENS! Just like if you are in Uniswap and you buy 1000, you have 1000 tokens that you can transfer any amount of to anyone. Same here. Once you have 1000 tokens, you can transfer 420.6969 with “transfer operation”.

BLOB-20 does not have any artifical limits, except that ticker names should be alphanumeric only without any length limit. The decimals can be anything from 0 to Infinity (eg. you can deploy a token that have 50 decimals or more). The minting limit can be anything up to the max supply.

Blob-20 tokens are first-come-first-served and unique.

If you deploy a token with the ticker BLOB, then no one else can deploy a token with the same ticker name. This is to prevent confusion and scams. If you want your ticker, be first or you will be caught you’re trying to scam people.

Simple structure

See more below in the BLOB-20 indexing rules section.

  content: {
    protocol: 'blob20',
    token: {
      operation: '...',
      ... other operation fields ...
  contentType: 'application/json'

Maximum 8 decimals, making our lifes easier

Bitcoin chose to be with 8 decimals for a reason. A wide variaty of languages DO NOT support too big numbers. We are in Ethereum, we can have 18 decimals, but we choose to have 8 to make working with floating numbers and decimals precision easier with the languge we mainly use - JavaScript. In JavaScript we have BigInt which is used in most of the time where we work with Ethereum stuff, but it’s bad and have its flaws. It’s a good balance between usability and scalability. If you need more, you can deploy a token with more decimals, but this decimals will be ignored by the indexers and behave as if it is set to 8. Decimals are mostly a representation stuff. The 18 is most of the time an unnecessary overhead, what you can do with 18 you can do with 8 too.


On deploy, you can configure the settings of a token, like max supply, max amount per mint, decimals, and more. There are plans to have “max limit per address”, eg. maximum times a wallet can mint. And another limit like “max amount per address” to cap the allowed total amount of tokens that a wallet can mint.

And also settings like start_block and end_block, defining a period of blocks in which minting is opened.

BLOB-20 Indexing Rules

For examples, check a few sections below.

Many of the rules are actual rules followed by other BRC-20 style protocols and organizations like Best In Slot and Layer1 Foundation. The devil is in the details. The BLOB-20 is designed to be simple, efficient, and scalable. It uses the account-balance model.

Here are the detailed indexing rules that should be followed:

  • Every BLOB-20 inscription must be valid Blobscription (ESIP-8), otherwise it’s ignored

  • Token ticker cannot be empty or null, it must be alphanumeric only, no length limit

  • There is an empty named ticker already deployed, but that is practically unsusable

  • Trim/cleanup all whitespaces from all string values before processing, including from the content of the blobscriptions

    • some editors and lanugage encodings add invisible characters and whitespaces, such as zero-width space, non-breaking space, UTF-8-BOM and so on
    • Programming languages like JavaScript and Ruby are handling it well, but seems like Go’s standard library for parsing and processing JSON is struggling to process a content if it starts with UTF-8-BOM
    • So, in short: cleanup
    • in JavaScript, you still should cleanup the content before processing, because the JSON parser is not strict and will not throw an error if there are invisible characters
    • In JavaScript you can use some RegExp like /^[\uFEFF\r\n\t]*|[\uFEFF\r\n\t]*|[\uFEFF\r\n\t]*$/gi
  • Must have content and contentType fields inside a CBOR-encoded object.

  • The contentType field must be a string, either application/json or text/plain

  • The content field must be a valid and parseable JSON object (not json string, or JSON5)

    • it can also be in bytes form of Uint8Array
    • the CBOR library that you are using for encoding/deocoding must output an UNTAGGED CBOR
    • the cborg JavaScript/npm library is a good choice and it outputs an untagged CBOR in Uint8Array form
  • The JSON inside the content inside the CBOR must have both protocol and token fields;

    • extra fields are ignored;
    • pseudo-code: cborg.encode({ content: { protocol: 'blob20', token: { ... operation fields ... } }, contentType: 'application/json' })
  • The protocol field must be a string “blob20”, like so protocol: 'blob20'

    • The “blob20” string should be detected as case-insensitive
    • indexers should normalize it to lowercase; but no dashes like “blob-20” are allowed
  • The token field must be a valid JSON object, not a string, JSON5, or array

    • all string values (like operation) must be trimmed of whitespaces before processed by indexer
    • it must have an operation field, which must be a string, one of “deploy”, “mint”, “transfer”, “premine”, and optionally more in the future (like trade for example)
    • the operation field value is and should be case-insensitive; indexers should trim whitespaces and normalize it to lowercase
    • it must have other fields depending on the operation field
  • extra fields that are not the protocol, token, operation and the other operation-specific fields should be ignored by the indexers

  • If operation is 'deploy', the other required fields are “ticker”, “supply”, “limit”, “decimals”

    • all number values are javascript numbers, thus a dot must be used instead of a comma, it must be like 42.69
    • all string values (like ticker) must be trimmed of whitespaces before processed by indexer
    • supply, limit, decimals and other limit settings must be numbers, not strings;
    • ticker, supply, limit, and decimals are required fields
    • all number max values is the JavaScript max number
    • limit is the max amount per mint transaction; to be more clear max_limit_per_mint should be used instead; all token deploys with limit are allowed too;
    • instead of supply using max_supply is also allowed and preferred
    • if you deploy with limit same as supply, then the whole supply can be minted in one transaction; use the premine operation instead to protect against front-running
    • ticker must be alphanumeric only, no length limit;
    • ticker must be unique, first-come-first-served; no one else can deploy a token with the same ticker name
    • ticker must be case-insensitive; indexers should normalize it to uppercase;
    • decimals must be a number from 0 to 8, not more! Deploys with more decimals should NOT be ignored; all first 11 deployed tokens are allowed to have more;
    • decimals are pure representation and SHOULD NOT be strict; if a token has 8 decimals, but someone mints with 20, that mint operation SHOULD NOT be ignored
    • limit / max_limit_per_mint must be a number, max value is the supply
    • if defined, start_block and end_block should be numbers representing the block number
    • optional fields start_block and end_block to define a period of blocks in which minting is opened;
    • if no end_block the mint is opened until the max supply is reached with mint operations
    • if there is both start_block and end_block defined and the current block is not in that range, the mint operation must be ignored
    • if both start_block and end_block defined, then the end_block must be greater than start_block
    • if only start_block is defined, the mint operation must be ignored if the current block is less than start_block
    • if only end_block is defined, the mint opens “immediately” and ends at the end_block (inclusive)
    • if start_block and end_block are not defined, the mint is opened “immediately” and ends when the max supply is reached
    • if start_block and end_block are defined, then the mint closes after the end_block no matter if there is still supply left
    • optional field max_limit_per_address - max times a wallet can make mint transactions;
      • it should work in combination of max_limit_per_mint and max_amount_per_address
      • for example, if max_limit_per_mint is 1000, max_limit_per_address is 10, then the wallet can mint 10 times 1000 tokens, but not more
    • optional field max_amount_per_address - max total amount of tokens that a wallet can mint;
      • it should work in combination of max_limit_per_mint and max_limit_per_address
      • for example, if max_limit_per_mint is 1000, max_amount_per_address is 10000, then the wallet can mint 10 times 1000 tokens, or 20 times 500 tokens; but not more
      • if max_limit_per_mint is 1000, max_amount_per_address is 10000, and max_limit_per_address is 10, then the wallet can mint 10 times 1000 tokens; if for some reason the wallet mints less than 1000 a few times then it will not be able to mint the full amount of allowed 10,000 tokens because the max_limit_per_address is reached
  • If operation is 'mint' , the other required fields are ticker, and amount.

    • all number values are javascript numbers, thus a dot must be used instead of a comma, it must be like 42.69
    • all string values (like ticker) must be trimmed of whitespaces before processed by indexer
    • all mint transactions that are minting not deployed ticker must be ignored
    • all amounts of all mint operations for a wallet are added/stacked up to form a total account balance
    • the amount field must be a number, max value is the limit defined in the deploy operation for this token
    • it is allowed if a wallet mints less than the limit / max_limit_per_mint defined in the deploy operation
    • if amount is more than the limit / max_limit_per_mint defined in the deploy operation, the mint for that wallet must be ignored
    • The last mint inscription will mint the remaining tokens of the supply. For example, if the ticker has max_supply: 1000 and there is only 100 tokens left but a minter inscribe a mint operation that has amount: 500, the minter must receive only 100 more added to his balance.
  • If operation is 'transfer' the other required fields are ticker and transfers field.

    • support single and batch transferring natively
    • all number values are javascript numbers, thus a dot must be used instead of a comma, it must be like 42.69
    • all string values (like ticker) must be trimmed of whitespaces before processed by indexer
    • The transfer operation transaction must be sent to the same address that is creating it (eg. to self); otherwise it must be ignored.
      • it is a 0 ETH transaction to self; otherwise it must be ignored.
      • This acts as an “approve” transaction in regular Ethereum ERC-20 tokens.
      • this works because the actual “reciever” is inside the transfers list of objects containing a to_address and amount fields
      • for markets, we should add a seaprate trade operation, or proxy_transfer, or something similar
    • all amounts of all transfer operations for a wallet are subtracted from the total account balance
    • all amounts of inside the transfers list must be subtracted from the total balance of the transaction creator’s wallet, and added to the receiver’s (to_address) wallet
    • the transfers field must be an array of objects:
      • each object in transfers must have to_address (or just to) and amount fields
      • all to_address values must be trimmed of whitespaces before processed by indexer
      • each to_address can be any valid Ethereum address; if not, the transfer must be ignored
      • all amount values must be numbers, the maximum value can be the total balance of the wallet
      • all amount values must form a sum and checked if the wallet has enough balance to transfer the total sum; if all amounts are summed and are more than the total balance of the wallet, the entire transfer operation must be ignored
      • the to field must be a valid Ethereum address, indexers must lowercase it whenever they write it to the database
      • the amount can be any number with any decimals, up to the max decimals of the token
      • if amount is more than the total balance of the wallet, the transfer must be ignored
      • if amount has more decimal digits than the decimals defined in the token deploy operation, the transfer SHOULD NOT be ignored; decimals are pure representation and should not be strict
  • If operation is premine it follows the same field rules as deploy:

    • must have ticker, max_supply, max_limit_per_mint and decimals
    • the max_supply and max_limit_per_mint must be exactly the same
    • indexer should consider premine operation transactions as combined deploy and mint operations to the deployer
    • indexers should assign the full supply to the creator of the premine operation transaction (deployer)
      • this prevents from front-running the deployer
    • all following mint operations to this ticker must be ignored
    • the deployer then can use the transfer operation to distribute the tokens to multiple addresses

Wallets situation

Currently, there are no wallets that support Blob Transactions in general - neither creating, nor visualizing. That’s why we need so many manual steps for Blob-20 tokens and Blobscriptions in general.

But I’m working on Ethscriptions-aware (thus Blobscriptions and BLOB-20 too) wallet that will be self-custodial and will support all the operations and features that are needed for the BLOB-20, Blobscriptions, and the Ethscriptions ecosystem in general.

Most of it is already done, and is primarily based on - safe, secure, self-custodial wallet allowing you to manage Ethereum wallets and create one from email address, any social account (Google, Apple, Facebook, Discord, Twitter, Linkedin), Farcaster, or just from connecting existing Ethereum wallet.

Thus, as long as you have email or a social account, then you can have and use Ethscriptions and BLOB-20s.

Markets & DEXes

It is yet to be revealed how the trading and markets will work with BLOB-20 tokens. Regular Blobscriptions (non BLOB-20 tokens) can use the Ethscriptions ecosystem and markets without problems, but this is NOT the case with BLOB-20 tokens because they work differently and require different things.

Regular Ethscriptions-native markets like Ordex are adviced to not support BLOB-20 tokens as “collection of ethscriptions”. It beats the whole purpose and design of BLOB-20. If they want to participate, they should build separate markets or DEX, i’m open to help and discuss.

Notes on BLOB-20 transfers

You should NOT use regular “ethscription transfer transactions” to transfer BLOB-20 tokens, and BLOB-20 mint inscriptions in general. The transfer operation is required for a reason. The reason is that BLOB-20 is primarily and exclusively designed to depend only on Blobscriptions and Blob Transactions, which means you only need Ethscriptions ESIP-8 indexer to index and detect BLOB-20 tokens and their operations. If we support transferring blob tokens with regular Ethscriptions transfers (eg. putting transaction hash in calldata) then indexing and operating a BLOB-20 indexer will require to build a whole Ethscriptions indexer which is completely different beast and absolutely unnecessary for the BLOB-20 case. This Blobscriptions indexer is light and simple, and is ESIP-8 compliant.

I’ve built general Ethscriptions indexer the same way, it is composable and with plugins. I’m going to open source it too, but here we need just Blobscriptions one. The difference is that Blobscriptions and Ethscriptions store data in different places, so different things and flows are required.

The case is similar with ESIP-4 (Facet). To run an Ethscriptions indexer you are not required to run a whole Facet indexer, database and the Facet VM to index and detect Facet transactions (facet ethscriptions). You are aware of what is Facet transaction and what is not, but you don’t mess with the VM and computing (facet) state.

That’s good for decentralization, scalability, and composition of protocols. Ethscriptions is the base layer. Facet is built on top. Blobscriptions is built on top too. Blob-20 is built on top of Blobscriptions and you only need Blobscriptions indexer (ESIP-8).

FAQ and Q&A

lcywestbrook (I9T5H): will the transfer of Blobscriptions still need to submit an Ethscriptions transaction? Blobs will only exist for 20 days. How to permanently record blobscriptions without submit Ethscriptions transaction

Blobsctiption is nothing more than just creating ethscriptions through blob transactions. Everything else is the same, including transfers. Blobs are for 18 days, but ethscriptions created through blobs are stored permanently on multiple places.

lcywestbrook (I9T5H): If transferring blob20 also requires ethscription, the transfer fee will be very high, then how to reflect the advantages of blobs? In other words, can I transfer blob20 without using calldata?

Blob20 and its transfers is completely different story.

First, calldata ethscription transfers are cheap! Nothing beats it until we support transferring ethscriptions through blob transactions, eg. the ESIP-11 proposal

Second, when you’re using blob20 or any other blobscriptions you’re also having and paying for calldata. Minimal but still. Blob20 transfers are not through calldata, but through blobs.

Third, blob20 transfers are through transfer operation, as another blobscription. You’re are creating a blob20 transfer operation blobscription to yourself, that works like “approve”. Then the indexer picks it up and transfers the said amount to the said address(es).

Fourth, of course it requires a transaction. Everything should move through the chain whether through a regular transaction or a blob one. Otherwise, it’s not crypto.

Even regular Ethereum tokens are having calldata, that’s how the whole system works. Including that Ethscriptions is too a calldata-based protocol, now blob-based too.

Can we do something like sorting, merging, and compression like L2 and then aggregate payments instead of paying calldata for each transaction?

We do that to some extent with CBOR. It can also be gzipped CBOR. The content inside the CBOR could also be gzip compressed. Too much compression is not a good thing too, especially for blob20s we don’t need any.

All blobscriptions are CBOR blobs. The calldata you’re paying for is like few characters, it’s nothing. And it’s there only to just make the whole thing part of the ethscriptions ecosystem - eg. all blobscriptions are just valid ethscriptions with as minimal as possible calldata like data:;rule=esip6, this is why we come up with the term “attachment”.

Blob20 idea is to support transferring of multiple tokens of a given ticker to multiple addresses all at once in one transaction (like for airdrops; you deploy, then mint the whole supply and airdrop). It’s insanely scalable a unbeatably cheap.

BLOB-20 operations

  • deploy - deploy a new token: define a ticker name (alphanumeric only), max supply, max per mint limit, and the decimals
  • premine - same as deploy operation, but immediately mints the whole supply to the deployer
  • mint - mint new tokens, the amount could be anything up to the limit defined in the deploy operation for this token
  • transfer - transfer tokens from one account to another or to yourself

blob20 deploy

See BLOB-20 rules

Here we deploy an example token with the ticker EXAMPLE with 30 decimals, supply of 1,000,000 and mint limit per transaction 1,000. Anyone will be able to mint less than 1000 tokens in a single transaction. But not more than 1000. Because the whole system is open, this is to prevent minting the whole supply at once.

There is also plans to have “max limit per address”, eg. maximum times a wallet can mint. And another limit like “max amount per address” to cap the allowed total amount of tokens that a wallet can mint.

If you want such behavior, you can use the premine operation with limit same as supply, this will mint the whole supply to the creator/deployer. This could be useful for airdrops, precisely because how the transfer operation works - support batch sending to multiple addresses all at once in one transaction

  "protocol": "blob20",
  "token": {
    "operation": "deploy",
    "ticker": "EXAMPLE",
    "max_supply": 1000000,
    "max_limit_per_mint": 1000,
    "decimals": 8

blob20 mint

See BLOB-20 rules

Here we mint 1000 tokens of the above EXAMPLE ticker token.

  "protocol": "blob20",
  "token": {
    "operation": "mint",
    "ticker": "EXAMPLE",
    "amount": 1000

blob20 transfer

See BLOB-20 rules

  • Supports single and batch transferring natively
  • To be considered valid both the from and to of the ethereum transaction must be the same address
  • Trading is a different beast and is not yet clearly specified

To be considered a valid and indexed transfer, you must send the blob transaction to yourself. Only then the indexer will detect it and read where to transfer what amount based on the given amount and to_address in the array of objects in the transfers field.

This is pretty similar to what TAP protocol in Bitcoin land is doing with the “tapping”. Basically it is a way to “approve” or “sign” a blob20 transfer transaction.

It is that strict because trading and markets/DEXes will require different things, maybe even different operation like trade. Maybe markets will require the receiver of a transfer operation to be the marketplace contract or wallet.


Now that we have 1000 tokens, you can transfer some to another account. Here we transfer 123.69 to 0x123...555 and 555.42 to 0x444...111.

  "protocol": "blob20",
  "token": {
    "operation": "transfer",
    "ticker": "EXAMPLE",
    "transfers": [
      { "to_address": "0x123...555", "amount": 123.69 },
      { "to_address": "0x444...111", "amount": 555.42 }

Above transfer operation should be ignored if the transaction creator is not having enough in his account balance. The total sum of all amounts in the transfers field must be less than or equal to the total balance of the wallet.

If you want to make just a single transfer, then it’s the same but with a single object in the “transfers” field.

  "protocol": "blob20",
  "token": {
    "operation": "transfer",
    "ticker": "EXAMPLE",
    "transfers": [{ "to": "0x123...555", "amount": 123.69 }]

blob20 premine

See BLOB-20 rules

Premined BLOB-20 tokens are a way the deployer to mint the full supply to himself and later distribute all tokens to a large number of users using the batch transferring feature of the transfer operation. The BLOB-20 airdrops are simple - you deploy a token with “premine” operation, the same max_supply and max_limit_per_mint. And then call the transfer operation with the list of addresses and amounts.


Here we create a token $BLOBBY with supply of 69 trillion, and allow anyone to mint up to 69 trillion. No one can front-run the deployer because when an premine operation is detected, it is considered like combined deploy + mint operations to the deployer.

  "protocol": "blob20",
  "token": {
    "operation": "premine",
    "ticker": "BLOBBY",
    "max_supply": 69000000000,
    "max_limit_per_mint": 69000000000,
    "decimals": 8

to distribute some tokens to some addresses make a batch transfer operation.

  "protocol": "blob20",
  "token": {
    "operation": "transfer",
    "ticker": "BLOBBY",
    "transfers": [
      { "to_address": "address 1", "amount": 42.069 },
      { "to_address": "address 2", "amount": 1000 },
      { "to_address": "address 3", "amount": 111 },
      { "to_address": "address 4", "amount": 1000 },
      { "to_address": "address 5", "amount": 313 },
      { "to_address": "address 6", "amount": 1000 },
      { "to_address": "address 7", "amount": 1000 },
      { "to_address": "address 8", "amount": 69.42 },
      { "to_address": "address 9", "amount": 1000 },
      { "to_address": "address 10", "amount": 1000 }

Programatically create / mint / transfer BLOB-20 tokens

Example functions that create correctly formatted and valid BLOB-20 operations.

function deployToken({ ticker, max_supply, max_limit_per_mint, decimals }) {
  // ... here some validation of settigns before that ...

  return {
    protocol: 'blob20',
    token: {
      operation: 'deploy',
      ticker: ticker.toUpperCase(),

function mintToken({ ticker, amount }) {
  return {
    protocol: 'blob20',
    token: {
      operation: 'mint',
      ticker: ticker.toUpperCase(),

type Transfer = { to_address: `0x${string}`; amount: number };

function transferToken(ticker, transfers: Transfer[]) {
  return {
    protocol: 'blob20',
    token: {
      operation: 'transfer',
      ticker: ticker.toUpperCase(),

Then you need to create a valid Blobscription with the above operations.

import { encode as encodeCbor } from 'cborg';

// we strinigfy the object to JSON and then encode it into bytes for best experience
function encodeContent(obj) {
  const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(obj);
  return new TextEncoder().encode(jsonStr);

const blob20blobscription = encodeCbor({
  content: encodeContent(
      ticker: 'EXAMPLE',
      max_supply: 1_000_000,
      max_limit_per_mint: 1000,
      decimals: 8,
  contentType: 'application/json',

To create a mint blob20 blobscription, then switch deployToken with mintToken like so

const blob20blobscription = encodeCbor({
  content: encodeContent(mintToken({ ticker: 'EXAMPLE', amount: 1000 })),
  contentType: 'application/json',

// the result is a Uint8Array bytes representation of the CBOR-encoded object

Then use viem library to encode the CBOR to a blob format and then send the transaction to the network.

import { loadKZG } from 'kzg-wasm';
import { createWalletClient, createPublicClient, toBlobs } from 'viem';
import { privateKeyToAccount } from 'viem/accounts';
import { mainnet } from 'viem/chains';

const account = privateKeyToAccount(
  'private key here or uncomment below to use mnemonic/seedphrase, or generate new wallet',

// or mnemonic/seedphrase to account
// const account = mnemonicToAccount('creator wallet seed/mnemonic phrase');

// to generate fresh new wallet which you will need to fund with ETH
// const account = mnemonicToAccount(generateMnemonic());

console.log('Creator account:', account);
console.log('Creator address:', account.address);

const client = createPublicClient({ chain: mainnet, transport: http('') });
const wallet = createWalletClient({
  chain: mainnet,
  // or put another RPC URL here that support blob transactions like
  transport: http(''),

async function main() {
  // convert the CBOR data into "blobs" that are recognized by RPCs
  // and the Ethereum Network in general
  const blobs = toBlobs({ data: blob20blobscription });

  const fees = await client.estimateFeesPerGas();

  const tx = await wallet.sendTransaction({
    kzg: await loadKZG(),
    to: '0x receiver address here',
    data: stringToHex('data:;rule=esip6,'), // makes it valid Ethscription
    value: 0n,
    type: 'eip4844' // important! creates a blob transaction instead of regular EIP-1559 one
    maxFeePerGas: fees.maxFeePerGas,
    maxPriorityFeePerGas: parseGwei('2'), // adjust if needed
    maxFeePerBlobGas: fees.maxFeePerBlobGas || parseGwei('50'), // adjust if needed


Stuck / Unstuck BLOB-20 transactions

Due to the nature of Blob Transactions and the current limits of only 6 blobs per block, it is possible when you try create Blobscriptions (thus Blob20) to have your transaction stuck in the mempool indefinitely. This is not a problem with the BLOB-20 protocol, but with the Ethereum network and the current limits of the blob transactions.

If you have a stuck transaction, you can try to “unstuck” it by sending a new transaction with the same nonce and higher gas fee. This will replace the stuck transaction.

But. It is a bit more complex than just sending a new transaction with the same nonce and higher gas in your Metamask or other wallet, because Blob transactions are not supported in ANY wallet. And to unstuck a transaction you need to same the same type of transaction, which in this case is the so-called “blob transaction / type 3” transaction.

This means that you or your mint site service must send the exact same “calldata” and “blob data” (eg the mint operation) with the same nonce and higher gas fee - both “max priority fee per gas” and “max fee per blob gas”.

It is tricky and complex for the moment, but possible. You can use the same script as above, but also add nonce field to the sendTransaction function. Generally to find the “nonce” you need to see your last successful transaction’s nonce and add 1 to it.

For example, if the last successful transaction has nonce 2, then you need to send transaction with nonce: 2.

const last_success_nonce = 2; // the nonce of the stuck transaction
const unstuck_nonce = last_success_nonce + 1; // the nonce of the new transaction

const tx = await wallet.sendTransaction({
  // ... same as above ...
  nonce: unstuck_nonce, // the nonce of the new transaction
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: parseGwei('3'), // start with 1 and increase slowly
  maxFeePerBlobGas: parseGwei('100'), // start with 30-50 and increase slowly